
Ep #123 - Joey Bouchard - Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit in Children

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Show Notes

In this episode, Young interviews Joey Bouchard, CEO and founder of QuoteWell, who recently welcomed his first child, Rex. Together, they explore the transformative experience of welcoming a newborn. Joey shares his unique approach to parenting, discussing his aspirations for his son and emphasizing the value of instilling core principles from an early age. The conversation also delves into the significance of work, the challenges of balancing a loving relationship with effective child-rearing, and the secrets to successful pawn shop shopping.

Listen & Discover:

  •   Insights on the lucrative industry of insurance
  •   Joey's approach to being a parent and his aspirations for his son
  •   The value of work and the importance of teaching children about work and business
  •   The secret to shopping at a pawn shop
  •   Joey's favorite book Never Split the Difference

Throughout the conversation, Joey shares valuable perspectives on parenting and instilling core values in children.

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